This program offers 24 challenging deals designed by Alfred Sheinwold, world renowned player, columnist, and author. These deals are intended to challenge even experienced players, so expect to find some of them difficult! These are declarer-play problems oriented to rubber bridge play, and thus as declarer (South) the objective is to make your contract without concern for overtricks. When you select a deal, you are shown your hand, the dummy, the bidding, and the opening lead. The computer will ask you for each North and South play. Your play will be accepted only if it is the desired one. At any point you may ask the computer for the desired play by selecting Baron Hint from the Play menu. Play Conventions When the sequence of play and selection of card to play do not affect the outcome -- and only then -- the program will require certain choices and will reject other, equally sound, choices. Here are the rules: 1. When playing winners in side suits, play the higher ranking suit first (e.g., Spades before Hearts). 2. Play winners in side suits before cashing your extra trumps. 3. When entering your hand from dummy or vice versa, lead the higher suit if you have a choice. 4. In cashing winners divided between your hand and dummy, play the highest card first. 5. When discarding, throw spot cards before honors and discard from the lower ranking suit first.